Uh, anyway, I have a couple of finished projects. But, I can only show you one of them, because the second one is a Christmas present, and I'm not entirely certain if the intended recipient reads this blog or not.
As you can probably tell from my Ravelry page, I've been working on a hexipuff blanket for a while now...But, due to the sheer amount of time that it would take to make (over three years, if my math is correct) and a little bit of laziness, I decided that I really didn't want to complete it.
But what about the finished puffs? Do I just throw all of them away? LIKE HECK!!!
So, I took some of them, and I made them into a cushion for my sewing chair.
It's WAAAAAAY more comfortable than the slightly tattered pillow that I had been using up 'til now!
As you can see in the photo above, there is a sewing project in progress! It's my sister's, but it's still awesome! Maybe in a couple of weeks, I'll be able to convince her to post the finished project on Yarn Yetis. ;)
In closing, I would just like to show you this random cat photo I found on my iPod.
Katherine is out! PEACE!