Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Happy Little Doily

I've done it again. 
I have played Yarn Chicken... AND LOST.
This is why we weigh skeins of yarn to find out the yardage.
This is why we check gauge.

Remember that *cough* painfully pink *cough* doily I started on my birthday? Yeah, I messed up. Although it isn't as bad as I've made it sound- just as long as you don't know what pattern I used. }:-)

I was crocheting the last few rounds of this accursed doily when I realized that I definitely did not have enough thread to complete it, and by that time, I was already committed to the project. For a split second, I imagined unraveling the entire thing. The hours I had spent slouching over it in a corner when I should have been interacting socially would be meaningless; the days I spent looking at it and thinking, "I would very much like to burn this pink atrocity," would be wasted. No, I could certainly not dispose of the thing. I WAS going to finish it, and nothing as trivial as a mere lack of sufficient supplies could stop me.

So, I pulled a Bob Ross and made my happy little accident into a 3 pineapple-d doily rather than... whatever it was supposed to be that I'm not telling you about.

My, my. Doesn't that look intentional? ;)

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Hello, again, all of you lovely people! I'm writing this post quickly before I finish packing for my family trip to Belize. 
The end of 2016 was a very hectic period for me, and it consisted of  Christmas parties, Christmas itself, and birthdays galore. The New Year has been just the same with a New Year's Eve party (I sound like I'm a party animal, don't I? Well, I can assure you that I'm definitely not; I love sleep too much), my parent's wedding anniversary, and, yesterday, my 18th birthday.
I haven't been working on that many projects since my classes ended because I was feeling rather burnt-out, and my hands were aching from the constant repetitive motions. Still, despite being weary of creating things, I managed to knit my friend a Christmas hat- of which I don't have a picture, oddly enough.
On my birthday, I started making a bright pink doily for the same friend's birthday  present. It's from a free vintage pattern, and I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Sometime before Christmas, I started a Ginny Cardigan for myself, on which I have knitted about 3 1/2 inches. I really like the yarn that I chose for it, a Knit Picks' Tweed DK. It's soft, and I think that it'll be comfortable to wear.

Now that I'm nearly packed and ready for the trip tomorrow, I just hope that my hook and needles won't be confiscated as I board the boat to Central America. XD

Seriously, though.