Before I delve into my usual knitting chit-chat, I'm going to quickly tell what's been going on lately. I finished my first-ever semester at a school with an 'A' in each class. I signed up for General Chemistry over the summer term, and it's already time to apply for fall classes, which is a bit frightening to me. The Yarn Yetis booth at Dripping Springs' Founder's Day Festival was a success! :) And last, but not least, I spent the past three weekends in Arkansas visiting my grandparents! I got a good deal of knitting done while I was there, but, sadly, I also got a LOT of un-knitting done. Which brings me to my first project...
This, my friends, is why smart crafters avoid playing Yarn Chicken. I'm going to have to rip back (for the second time!!!!) and restart the lace panel. Somebody cry with me, because this hurts.
I'm not going to completely scrap it because 1) I've been working on it so long that I'm almost morally obliged to finish it, and 2) LOOK HOW PRETTY THE LACE PANEL IS!
Guess what project I finally pulled out of the woodwork (or navy blue bag, as it were)! After an admittedly rather long hiatus, I brought back out my fingering weight sweater and finished the right front! I also started the left front last night, and have already completed one repeat of the leaf chart. :)
For those of you who are wondering, my sweater is not as tiny as it looks in the photo! Its edges are just rolling because I haven't blocked it, yet.
I also finished a sock! Technically, it's not entirely finished because I haven't kitchener stitched the toe together or blocked it but, in my mind, it's done.
Here's a nice view of the cable pattern all over the leg!
You can get the pattern for the shawl for free here. The patterns for the sweater and the socks are from books.
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